Bulk SMS: who should use it, when and why?

bulk sms

Mobile engagement and SMS conversations are still going strong. SMS has never left our side and will continue to stay by our side for a very long time. It’s one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways for businesses to connect with customers on a vast level. Social media may come and go, but SMS was there initially and is here to stay till the last. All of these and many more advantages favor the business as, along with social media, organizations can now use SMS Marketing for their customer services and engagement strategies.

SMS are a way to communicate with the users using small and descriptive content. When the world is turning tech-savvy, users do not have time to sit and read huge paragraphs of content or messages, which is why businesses prefer SMS campaigns. 

SMS marketing is short and crisp with a word limit of 160 characters, and users do not have to append more than 30 seconds to read a text message. Bulk SMS services are use by companies like Health care providers, travel agencies, banks, media outlets, large consumer websites, and many other organizations. 

Bulk SMS services come to use when organizations have a large database of users and clients that need to be reache regularly, promoting business updates, discounts, and new products.  SMS is the only communication way not connects to the internet, which automatically increases the open rate of the messages. 

Here are the top five benefits of bulk SMS marketing to help businesses take the right and informed decision:

Instant Impact: 

Unlike emails that take days to reach the customers, SMS services are super quick and have an immediate impact. If the company has the right number, the message is bound to reach the user ultra-fast. 

High Open rate:

SMS services have the advantage of increased open rate, and Emails are often neglected by the customers believing spam, SMS, on the other hand, are the services that are still in the hands of the users, customers tend to open all the SMS received. This scenario works due to the crisp and short content shared in the SMS services. 

Customisable campaigns: 

Bulk SMS service providers like mTalkz allow companies to target their whole database of contacts, sub-groups, or even individuals. Personalizing your bulk SMS services is key. For example, companies can send a different text to prospects than to existing customers. It’s quick and easy to set up templates and customize an SMS. Consumers are more likely to respond to a message that appeals to them than generic or irrelevant messages.


Compared to the cost of other marketing methods, such as Internet, TV, radio or print, SMS bulk marketing is very affordable. Messaging is low cost and delivers a higher open-rate and Rate of Investment than many other marketing strategies, making it a cost-effective and maintainable option.

Customers can easily and quickly opt-in or opt-out of a companies’ SMS marketing at the touch of a button. Therefore, it’s important for the business and consumers that only target individuals interested in your product or service are a part of their bulk SMS services

Few Barriers to Delivery:

Email marketing often never reaches their intended recipient due to spam filters. This is not the case with bulk SMS services. In addition, there are no barriers to delivery so companies can rely on bulk SMS service providers for delivery services. 

The size of one’s business does not limit bulk SMS services. So don’t let other marketing campaigns limit you, try your hands on the bulk SMS services. If you are looking for the right Bulk SMS service providers, mTalks is the place to go. 

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